Over the last few weeks, Prophet John Enumah has been teaching on the 9 Laws of the Spirit.
Last week he started on Love, Joy and Peace. This Sunday he continued the profound teaching from where he stopped on Long Suffering and then moved on to Gentleness, Goodness and Faith. These all ministered to me deeply, but then God got me below the belt at the last but one law - Meekness.
Meekness. The word itself can be underestimated. One might say, when you've got Love, Faith and Goodness going, the grace to Suffer-long, if we have all the Joy and Peace that we desire, who would think much of "Meekness’? But often God gets us with the 'simple things' that are actually not that simple. This is exactly why Prophet explained the blessings that come with meekness and the effect the lack of it has in our lives.
He gave us the dictionary definition of Meekness - the condition of being meek; submissiveness.
Submissiveness is one quality the body of Christ struggles with a lot. Prophet emphasised the fact that you have to get used to serving before you can be served. Most people are eager to get to a position of being served, being recognised, without going through the 'process' of serving. Meekness is part of the 'process'
What 'process"? you may ask. Through this series of teaching, prophet has been teaching on the 3 P's:
1. Promise
2. Process
3. Performance
We are happy to claim the promises of God, but we are not that eager to go through the difficult refining process we have to go through for these promises to result in performance. A great part of this process requires meekness - submissiveness. We are not ready to submit to our leadership rather we feel we are qualified to do better than the leadership. We are not ready to serve in positions where we can't be seen but rather want seats of honour without serving.
Prophet read from Ephesians 6:1 - “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.”
The Word of God states this yet the body of Christ still continue to antagonise our parents in the Lord - The church leadership.
We don't want to humble ourselves to serve yet we want to be served. We need to question our meekness. Are we ready to serve or do we just want to be served?
David in the Bible did not have the qualifications man would expect for him to be made king. In the eyes of man, his age did not qualify him, his education did not qualify him, his physical stature did not qualify him, his position in the household as the shepherd boy did not qualify him; but David was submissive to God and his earthly father. He tended the sheep, he was obedient, he was meek, he was subservient (serving and obeying without questioning).
He served and served and then served some more; and then eventually, in Prophets words, GRACE MADE DAVID KING!