Last Sunday, Prophet John Enumah began a series of teaching on the church and its inner demons. The Church is slowly being destroyed by these inner demons and so it’s important that we identify them and eradicate them from our lives. The Word of God says in 1 Peter 2:9 that we are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood and a holy nation. Holiness is a perfume. To be peculiar means to be special. It means you are different from others and not a crowd follower. It means setting a standard that everyone wants to meet.
Unfortunately however, one of the inner demons attacking the church is lack of holiness. A believer without holiness cannot encounter the God that gives power. We have brought down the standard that is expected of us as children of God by our lack of holiness.
Prophet went on to explain that true Christianity is in the doing not in the talking; yet the church, which is the bride of Jesus Christ, is filled with hypocrisy.
To fully understand the teaching on the church and its inner demons, Prophet gave definitions of the church and inner demons: He defined the church to be 'a state of perfection gotten to through the whole acceptance of Christ, the exhibition of His fruits and manifestation of His power'. As Christians, we should put on Christ as a garment - Galatians 3:26-27 Inner demons were defined as something you personally struggle with in your mind. 'It's a force that keeps a man limited, bound and empowers the flesh as it keeps the spirit weakened."
Prophet then went on to itemise inner demons that we should be on the lookout for in church:
Man Worship - Exodus 20: 1-6 Idol worshiping brings curses on the children of the perpetrators. You must respect and revere a man of God, but you should never worship him. Don't exalt men. The God you serve is inside of you. He is not in any image or pastoral office.
Looking for a magician not a saviour. Once you encounter God you can never be the same. John 4:7- 15 - the woman at the well encountered Jesus. Unfortunately, a lot of people serve God based on a prophecy given not on the purity of the word of God. God changed Jacob’s identity to Israel before he could enjoy the covenant blessings. A lot of people need an identity change. Without this they cannot encounter Jesus.
Great talkers but no action. A lot of people in the church are full of words with no action. The Kingdom of God is not of just words but of power. Even though Aaron was the mouthpiece of Moses, when Moses died God bypassed him and appointed Joshua as next in line because Joshua was a man of action not words. God bypassed the talkative man to the man of action.
The pursuit of God with an uncircumcised heart. Romans 2:29 - your Christian identity is validated by your heart. Our hearts must be circumcised. Acts 8:18-23 - God will not anoint you to glorify yourself. Everything we do, we should do to the glory of God not to self. To find out more about killing 'self’, read our last blog on Thursdays Bible study where Prophet taught on this in great depth.
Come and get fed with the meat of God’s word in person. This blog in no way covers the depth of the teaching imparted by Prophet John.
Church services are held every Sunday at 4pm and Bible Study every other Thursday at 6pm at the venue below:
Quality Skyline Hotel 246 Dunstable Rd,
Bedfordshire, UK